The geeks on the Big Bang Theory cannot tell a good lie. Upon hearing Penny's "singing" while walking up stairs the boys wonder if there is perhaps a cat dying. Once the realize that Penny is in fact going to be performing Leonard comes up with a reasonable lie for he and Sheldon cannot attend. Penny is disappointed, but doesn't press the issue. Later that night, filled with guilt Sheldon confronts Leonard telling him he doesn't like lying to Penny. Leonard kicks him out. The following morning Sheldon confesses to Penny that Leonard lied, but instead of telling the truth he concocts an even more elaborate lie that involves a guest appearance from that annoying guy from the movie "The New Guy". In the end Penny never finds out they didn't want to go cause she sucks at singing. Not the best ep yet, but still funny.

On How I Met Your Mother we got two guest stars. Dr. Elliot Reed (aka Sarah Chalke) and it's Britney Bitch. Chalke plays a dermatologist removing Ted's tramp stamp that Mandy Moore convinced him to get earlier this season. Seriously, who let's Mandy Moore convince them to get a tattoo? Ted falls for the lovely and charming Dr. right away. But she tells him upfront that she can't date patients and even after they are done with their sessions, she'll still say no. Undaunted, Ted works her over with his charm trying to illicit the yes he wants. Meanwhile, her receptionist Abby (played by Spears) falls for Ted. In the end Ted finds out she doesn't date because she has a daughter, she tells him she barely has 2 minutes for lunch. Ted devises a two minute date. A series of things you would on a normal date, but in two minutes. It was sweet, but I don't think it helped him win the girl. What happened with Abby, she fell for the Barnacle!
Eli Stone aired 3/20/08

This week Eli defends the man who is tearing down Patty's neighborhood. Sadly, no George Michael this episode, (but he'll be back this week!) but a great hour none the less. Patty's neighborhood is being replaced with condos and her community is fighting it, as most would. Condo construction is out of hand! In the end, the developer wins, the people lose (they should have taken the settlement, they would have gotten more) and Eli feels rotten. He fought so hard because a vision told him an earthquake would hit and kill people in that area. He wanted to save them and in the end the quake didn't come. Patty's pissed at him for taking the case and he's mad at god for making him think he's a prophet. Plus in the episode that baseball player has a mistrial and can't be charged again due to double jeopardy. He got away with murder.
The Gauntlet Reunion: Trim the Fat aired 3/26/08
Some of cast of the Gauntlet reunited for a special this week. Mostly it was about Coral ripping Ev a new one. It was fantastic, if you haven't seen it watch. Because no recap I could make could do it justice.
Here are some of my comments I posted on a message board as Iwatched the episode:
- Go Coral! She's kicking ass, I wish she would make Ev cry. What a bitch!
- Kenny is an idiot, but he's hot.
- I love Coral and she looks hot. Katie, Brad and Coral are awesome, everyone else is lame. LOL, GROW SOME GONADS. Damn, Coral is rippin' on Ev hard. Ev has 2 assholes now!
- Coral and Katie need their own show. Coral is playing the victim? Coral is the killer man!!
- Does anyone else want to rip off Ev's nose? Brad has an insurance agency?
- Man Ev looked like a wounded puppy at the end.

This weekend new Eli Stone, Smallville, Reaper and I'll finally watch Emma (Masterpiece).